Bahasa Lanun Di Facebook!
Since facebook relies on it’s users for translation, a bunch of Pirate fans have created a language dubbed English(Pirate). It adds an overall fun to the facebook profile by changing the words such as Home to Home Port, Friends to Mates Y’might Know, etc. Below is the screenshot showing the new language in action.
Click the image above to enlarge.
To change the language scroll to the bottom of the facebook page and click English(US). Finally from the list of languages, select English(Pirate) and you are done.
Home = Home Port
Profile = Me
Friends = Me Hearties
Messages = Bottle o' Messages
Settings = Adjust ye riggin's
Logout = Abandon Ship
Applications = Arrplications
What's on your mind? = What be troublin' ye?
1 New Friend Request = 1 sorry lout thinks they're yer mate!
Pictures = Portraits
Language = Tongue